Author name: Rachell Ambrose

Hello! I am a woman entrepreneur, writer, producer & ardent animal lover. I love being with animals. Since my childhood, I believe “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened."

dog health problems

DIY Dog First-Aid Kit: Essential Supplies for Every Pet Parent

Just like responsible parents pack a first-aid kit for their children’s outings, pet parents should be prepared for unexpected bumps and bruises with a well-stocked doggy first-aid kit. These kits can provide crucial temporary care for minor injuries until you can get your furry friend to the veterinarian. Building Your Essential Kit: Here’s a list

Dog Communication

The Science of Friendship: Why Dogs Make Amazing Companions

For centuries, dogs have earned the title of “man’s best friend,” but what is it about these furry companions that makes them so special? Science has some fascinating answers that shed light on the unique bond between humans and dogs. Oxytocin: The Love Hormone When you cuddle with your pup, it’s not just pure bliss

home remedies for pets

Home Remedies vs. Vet Care: When to Seek Professional Help

Our beloved pets can’t tell us exactly what’s wrong when they’re feeling under the weather. This can leave us pet parents wondering: Can I treat this at home, or is it time for a trip to the vet? While there are some situations where home remedies can offer temporary relief, it’s crucial to know when

puppy vaccinations

Vaccinations Explained: Keeping Your Pup Protected from Disease

Just like human babies, puppies need vaccinations to develop immunity against serious and contagious diseases. These vaccines work by introducing a weakened or inactive form of the virus or bacteria to your pup’s body, prompting their immune system to build defenses. This way, if they encounter the real disease in the future, their body will

Experts Founder's Desk Lifestyle

Urgent Appeals: How You Can Help Animals in Need Right Now

Millions of animals face neglect, abuse, and abandonment every year. While shelters and rescue organizations work tirelessly to care for them, they often rely heavily on the generosity and support of the community. Here, we’ll explore some urgent needs faced by animal shelters and ways you can make a real difference: Overcrowding Crisis: Shelters across

Behavioral Dogs

Decoding Dog Whines: Understanding Your Furry Friend’s Communication

Our canine companions hold a special place in our lives. They offer unconditional love, endless entertainment, and a furry shoulder to cry on. But unlike humans, they can’t express themselves with words. So, how do we understand their needs and emotions? One key element of doggy communication is the whine. While it might seem like

Long Dog
Pet Parenting Behavioral Dogs

How to Find Lost Dog

For a pet parent, nothing hurts more than losing their favorite animal. Since you’re here, it’s likely that you’re experiencing the same suffering and are unsure of what to do next. Dogs are capable of running away and becoming lost. Or your adorable pet might be taken by someone. Or there might be further causes.


Why is the French Bulldog Dog Breed So Popular?

As per the American Kennel Club, the French bulldog has become the most popular dog breed in the United States for the first time in 31 years. What captivates many is their eyes, friendly demeanor, and endearing small stature, giving them undeniable cuteness. Remarkably, this breed doesn’t demand extensive care or rigorous exercise, making them

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