
Pettting a dog
Founder's Desk Lifestyle

The Power of Youth: Engaging Kids in Animal Protection

Children are naturally compassionate and empathetic. This makes them perfect candidates to be champions for animal welfare! Here are some ways to engage kids in animal protection and empower them to make a difference: Spark Curiosity and Connection: Empowering Action: Making it Fun and Engaging: Remember: Building a Foundation of Knowledge: Empowering Action with Responsibility:

Experts Founder's Desk Lifestyle

Urgent Appeals: How You Can Help Animals in Need Right Now

Millions of animals face neglect, abuse, and abandonment every year. While shelters and rescue organizations work tirelessly to care for them, they often rely heavily on the generosity and support of the community. Here, we’ll explore some urgent needs faced by animal shelters and ways you can make a real difference: Overcrowding Crisis: Shelters across

Wood pecker bird
Pet Care Dogs Lifestyle Pet Parenting

Biscuits for Street Dogs: A Recipe for Canine Health and Joy

In the bustling streets and corners of our cities, countless stray dogs navigate a challenging existence. These resilient creatures often struggle to find adequate nutrition, leaving them vulnerable to health issues. Recognizing this, the initiative to provide nutritious biscuits for street dogs has gained traction, offering a sustainable solution to improve their well-being and bring

Animal rights

Animal Rights and Laws in India

Why Are Animal Rights and Laws Needed? Animal welfare is critical because many animals around us suffer from being used for entertainment, meals, medicinal drugs, style, clinical advancement, and as pets. Every animal deserves a fabulous lifestyle, enjoying the blessings of the five domain names. Essential Laws in India for the Protection of Animals The

food we can offer to street dogs

What is the Best Food We Can Offer to Street Dogs?

Feeding stray dogs outside your house is a virtue in itself. Once you feed the stray dogs, you can see the happiness in their eyes and face. The stray dogs are as sharp as the western dogs. There needs to be more clarity regarding the food items that should be given to stray dogs. The

5 Most Exotic Breeds Of A Parrot
Lifestyle Experts Founder's Desk

5 Most Exotic Breeds Of A Parrot

5 exotic breeds:- As we speak of the exotic breed of a bird, the first image that pops into your mind is probably a parrot with bright colors, large beaks, and long tails. While parrots do come in a vast array of colors, plenty of other types of pet birds are considered exotic pets. Each

Daily Ideal Routine For Your Pet
Lifestyle Experts Pet Parenting

Daily Ideal Routine For Your Pet

If you have recently adopted a cat or a dog, this blog will help you get started with what schedules or Daily routine for your pet must follow. I understand it may sound tedious or futile, but like us human beings, our four-legged besties must also have a particular lifestyle. It is natural for any

How to pick the best toys for your Pet
Lifestyle Experts Pet Parenting

How To Pick The Best Toys For Your Pet

A dog toy’s success is based upon several elements. Toys for your Pet should be safe, enjoyable, durable, and, most importantly, fun. On the other hand, many of those characteristics depend entirely on your dog’s size, amount of activity, and personal preferences. Another issue to consider is the setting where your dog spends his time.

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