
Pandemic hit hard but Sakshi Parab keeps on feeding and taking care of animals.
Hoomans Talk

Warriors for the strays in Covid – Sakshi Parab

Sakshi Parab is a true fighter and a brave, independent woman. The problems she faces daily to save her beloved kids (animals) and how she tackles them are palpable. Sakshi Parab is a true animal lover; despite poor financial conditions and no support, she feeds, gives shelter, and takes care of animals as much as […]

Why Yudhishthira refused heaven for his dog
Dogs Mythological Tales

Why Yudhishthira refused heaven for his dog

Various animals have contributed to the life of man since ancient times. And there are many such stories in our Puranas in which animals have been shown as companions of gods and goddesses. In the story of Mahabharata also, a dog comes into Yudhishthira’s life and supports Yudhishthira till his ultimate goal. After a few

Top 5 common behavior problems in Cats
Behavioral Cats

Top 5 common behavior problems in Cat

Hey, everyone! What‘s up with you all today? As cat parents, we all know that our agile fur babies can be odd. I was all sniffy about our babies’ behavior. Whether your cat sometimes drives you up the wall. However, you’re likely feeling kind of frustrated if you’re unlucky enough to witness cat behavior problems.

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