Author name: Ravneet Kaur Phull

I am an online business expert with a keen brand and community management knowledge. When it comes to community, humankind, animals, forest, or any living being deserves equal rights to live in their natural way. The way where everyone has their unique existence and contribution to nature.

Parvovirus In Dogs
Pet Care

Parvovirus In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Precautions

What is Parvovirus? Parvovirus In Dogs is a highly contagious virus that quickly affects unvaccinated puppies. It can cause severe gastrointestinal problems, leading to dehydration and death if not treated promptly. Parvovirus is particularly dangerous for puppies, as their immune systems are not completely developed yet, making them more vulnerable to the virus. In this […]

Aromatherapy for Dogs

What You Need to Know About Aromatherapy for Dogs

Aromatherapy for Dogs? Aromatherapy for puppies is essential because oils are used therapeutically to deal with behavioural and bodily problems. You might already have seen grooming offerings that use crucial oils for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the careful combination of various oils for a specific recuperation purpose to help improve a dog’s overall fitness and well-being. 

dry cat food
Pet Care

The Truth About Dry Cat Food

What is Dry Cat Food? Dry cat foods are nothing, but they contain more carbohydrates and less moisture than wet foods. Many dry foods use grains such as cornmeal and rice to process the kibble. Even some cat foods contain vegetables and protein, but meat is absent. Which is better for your carnivorous cat? Cats

Animal rights

Animal Rights and Laws in India

Why Are Animal Rights and Laws Needed? Animal welfare is critical because many animals around us suffer from being used for entertainment, meals, medicinal drugs, style, clinical advancement, and as pets. Every animal deserves a fabulous lifestyle, enjoying the blessings of the five domain names. Essential Laws in India for the Protection of Animals The

Dog Licencing in India
Experts Founder's Desk

Dog Licencing in India

Why Do You Have a Dog Licence?  It’s a verification and identification method in which the authorities become aware of your canine, ensure it’s fully vaccinated and healthy, and provide it with its own identity. The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (the BBMP) will soon make dog licensing mandatory in Bangalore. If you are a dog

Dogs Get From Chewing
Pet Care

Benefits Dogs Get From Chewing

Chewing, also called rumination, is the up-and-down movements and aspect-to-side actions of the decreased jaw that help reduce particles of solid food, making them more easily swallowed; teeth usually act because of the grinding and biting food. Mastication (chewing), in which meals are crushed and combined with saliva to shape a bolus for swallowing, is

Diabetic Cat
Pet Parenting

What to Know: Adopting a Diabetic Cat

What Does It Mean When a Cat is Diabetic? A human cat can also suffer from diabetes, considered a severe health issue and a life-threatening problem for your pet.  Diabetics indicate the amount of sugar a cat has in his blood, and he cannot transfer it into the cells, which can increase the sugar level

Keep Your Pet Warm and Active
Pet Parenting

Healthy Ways to Keep Your Pet Warm and Active

Wintry weather is right here, and while we’re getting ready for it, we also want to take a few steps to keep our pets warm. During the winter, it’s challenging to stay active while staying warm; much like humans, puppies are only sometimes keen on the cold weather. Your furry pal needs to get some

Improve Your Senior Dog's Life
Pet Care

5 Things You Could Do Right Now To Improve Your Senior Dog’s Life

In today’s world, having a senior dog is one of the biggest challenges every pet parent faces. Remember that your dog will not have the same physical and mental strength that it did when it was younger. If your dog becomes bored at this age, it may be experiencing stress and mental issues. To avoid

Mistakes That People Make When Training Their Dogs
Behavioral Dogs

Common Mistakes That People Make When Training Their Dogs

Every pet parent needs to teach and respectively train their dog. But we make many mistakes in the training session, which the pet likes less. Those missteps are commonplace and may have a significant impact on whether or not or not your efforts are successful. To avoid frustration on each end of the leash, we’ve

Vegetables Can Dogs And Cats Eat
Pet Parenting Cats Experts

What Vegetables Can Dogs And Cats Eat?

When we consider dogs and cats, we often see their diets predominantly created from meat. Dogs and cats devour flesh; however, they also eat certain greens. As a pet parent, knowing the blessings of a well-rounded weight loss plan is crucial while planning your dog’s meals. The secret is to know which vegetables are appropriate

food we can offer to street dogs

What is the Best Food We Can Offer to Street Dogs?

Feeding stray dogs outside your house is a virtue in itself. Once you feed the stray dogs, you can see the happiness in their eyes and face. The stray dogs are as sharp as the western dogs. There needs to be more clarity regarding the food items that should be given to stray dogs. The

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